
BlogProviding Value in Relationships

November 29, 2011by Frank Love5

In my previous blog, “The Other Side of a Table and a Marriage,” we discussed how perspectives change after a relationship ends.

Ever wonder if your partner considers you to be valuable? One way to gauge this is to ask him/her to support you in accomplishing or acquiring something that is important to you. Asking for assistance is not always easy. I am very familiar with the arrogance and/or stubbornness that come with independence. However, I also know that nothing of significance can be accomplished alone – and that is why I am asking for your help. I hope that my blog has provided you with enough value for you to want to do so.

As I round out the second year of Frank, I am beginning several new initiatives that I hope you will find valuable. In order to do so, I am asking for sponsorship. I invite you, dear reader, to help me continue spreading frank love by sponsoring my column with a one-time or monthly contribution via Paypal. One-time donations can be made at any level that you are comfortable.  Monthly sponsorship amounts can be as little as $1 or as much as $500 (see below for other increments), and will be automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account each month.

I have been writing the weekly Frank Love blog for the past year and a half. Many of you have been reading and commenting since the beginning. Some of you are newer to the family. Whichever category you fall into, I appreciate you reading and sharing your own frank love each week. It is my hope that you find Frank entertaining, interesting and thought-provoking. If you do, I have been living up to my intent – to provide you with value. By reading my blog and furthering the discussion, you certainly provide me with value. I embrace and appreciate the opportunity to present reasons and reasoning about romantic relationships that promote nurturing and accepting one another as we are.

I also find your feedback invaluable. It provides me with insightful questions that lead me to expand my thinking. Sometimes you confirm my understanding of various issues. Other times, you completely disagree with me, and let me know in a no-holds-barred, no-nonsense manner, which I appreciate immensely. Frank Love needs frank love too.

In a few weeks, my blogs will go “video.” So, in addition to reading my blogs, you can watch me to present them to you. You have gotten to know my message through my writing; now, enjoy it with a bit more of my personality in tow.

I am also adding a few new voices to the dialogue. I have welcomed a new guest blogger, Ms. Sunshine Muse, twice (and counting). And I have a second guest preparing his inaugural blog; you will meet him soon. If you are interested in sharing your unique relationship story (i.e. your rendition of Frank Love) please let me know. I hope you have and will enjoy continue to enjoy these additions.

As for my fundraising initiative, I hope that you will consider helping me (and my new guest bloggers) continue providing you with frank love. But no pressure. If I have been doing my part well, I hope that your decision will be an easy one. If I have not been bringing you the value I intend, your level of support will inform me of such. Admittedly, I still have work to do. I hope your support will help provide me with the opportunity to do so.

To become a Frank Love sponsor and set up your monthly contribution, please click on the amount you’d like to donate: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $35, $50, $75, $100, $200 or $500. You may also make a one-time gift.  Together, we can learn and grow in our ability to be more Powerful People in Partnerships.

Keep Rising,

Frank Love

In my next blog post, “How to Avoid “Relationship Debt,” I will talk through the value of financial conversations within loving relationships.

…and please do not multi-task when driving.

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  • Luther

    December 1, 2011 at 10:34 AM

    This is One Hundred percent correct. No one can live a life alone like a lake or an Island.
    Over thousand of years of existence of this universe even the Oceans would have dried up had the emptying of rivers, & rainfall not kept on adding to its volume there by to its value.

    While Nature does not have a mind of its own to refuse it constantly does what it is expected to do, only humans have the power to refuse, negate; & at any juncture seeking help assistance and getting it ADDS A BIG VALUE personally to such a relationship. ( Though I also agree at times & in situations one dies socially or mentally first before seeking assistance).


  • Cindy

    December 1, 2011 at 10:35 AM

    Depends on individual, some men will find that you are trying to taking advantage of them when ask them to support, whereas some might be very generously just support either financially or other aspects of assistance.


  • Sandra

    December 1, 2011 at 10:35 AM

    Frank & Luther; I applaud your comments regarding relationships. Human beings tend to “forget” that relationships have to be NURTURED. Only flowers get things resolved through osmosis.


  • MB

    December 1, 2011 at 3:17 PM

    Frank I just created my subscription to your blog!

    I am up for a $60 annual.

    That’s the most I’ve ever paid for a magazine subscription and yours is the only magazine type subscription that I now have.

    I think and feel that your product is worth more than Essence, Body & Soul or other mags I have subscribed to in the past.

    Love you!


  • Massander

    December 5, 2011 at 9:37 AM

    I’m in.


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